BUZZ!! - mum reply my buzz.
MUMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.- as usual. jeritan mumy disitu perlu diluah sepanjang2nye menandakan lepas lah rindu2an tersebutkan [ececceeh]
pastu borak la punye burak. bla3~~~~~~
style sy, sy suke cite bnda hepi,spjg conversation tersebut hilaian ketawa saya bergabung padu pule ngn hilaian ibu, so mmg hilaian dracula pun kalah.ekeke~
pastu akhir kalam:
'nk tau x. aritu dah la jubah yg kkngh belikan kt egypt tu hilang. dengan beg n jam tgn ibu pun same', ibu cite.
'oh yeke. jam yg mane satu. ish3.siannyeeeeeeee', sy reply.
'lepas tu, semalam tibe2 something wrong berlaku kt hp ibu pulak.huk3', ibu ngadu lagi.
dalam hati saya- ohhh..siannye my mummmmmyyyyyyyyyy...mcm2 berlaku...
i know u well mummyy..
ibu nk luah indirectly birthday ibu dah nk dekat ni..ekekkekekeke~~~
i lurve u lah mummyy..ur pyhscology always melt us. =pp
today is 21/6/2011.happy birthday mumy.. even u r 47 now, u r still young, pretty, brilliant full of energy and spirit as well.
u r my bestfrend.
u r my bestlistener
u r my bestteacher
u r my bestmummy in the world! =)
minah atas ni seorg yg manje mengade.hihi..satu petang, dye ajak p jog same2.. then lpas joging, ajak plak lepak makan roti john special kt kedai dpan tu.kate sorg akk yg sweet muit n sporting kan [ecewahh] so sy ikut je la..sabo jele.jog turun 3 kg, mkn naik 4kg.ekeke~~
today is nana's birthday too..nana, u r 17years old now [omg but why my fren keep saying that u r elder than me lul].. i love u, u know that much isnt? ive prepared present for ur gempak's result. so, do ur best for spm okai? =)
saya sangat jarang nk cite pasal benda kali ni, nk make it clear, i must say it out.
pnah ritu...borak ngn someone..
'xkisah pun nk kawen skrg. makayah dh kasi greenlight tu lah. xde calon je lagi', someone tu cite kt saya..
'oh yeke? but u r still young man.lek dulu.x rase ke umo cam kite ni masih mude?', ku jawab. selamba2 je.hahha
ok.stop smpai disitu saje. someone tu sape. xyah la nk tau.sibok je T_T
dan2 saya cakap cmtu..ttibe kene kt saya. teeettt..cop2.bukan,ade la..
org duk tnye. wani.ape ade ngn 4september tuh.haha.
saya nk gelak kuat2.
ramai nk ckp congrates la.apelah. tampa kang!haha..
not me dude. my brother..
tu ha. yg pakai baju belang2 biru.. dye baru umo 24. mude lagi kan?
hope balong tukar fikiran [lul]. kklg x dpt lg kasihsyg balong yg sebenarnye.xkan balong dah nak kasi kasihsyg balong tu kat org len dah..=ppp
last but not least.
happy fathers day juge buat ayahnda tersyg..
one woman that can make baba's ego goes down and teared. she is my mommyyy
one man that protect us day and night.he is our hero.babaaaaaa