‘yang, nnti untuk baby sulung kite I x kisah boy or girl....but, kalo boleh I nak baby2 kite sume left handrwiting,tu I kisah sikit la’.
‘eh,mana abg tau ni, ayang pun mmg impikan cmtu, best2..kalo baby2 kite write-handed mcm daddymummy dye pun, kite ajar lah dye pelan2 kan..’ dah dadymumy dye doc,mesti lah tau ape sebabnye nk sgt ank lefthanded.huhu
Ok..sudah2..byk berangan plak korang, buku neuro tu byk lagi nk kene hapai no..=p
Baiklah..today, I would like to exlain ‘bout one of the lesion in cerebral hemisphere.
Pleaze take note of this. You are going to be a medical doctor one day and this is one of the most important thing u shud know. Yesterday, our CNS clas had been canceled bcuz of few reason,done without intention and i managed myself to have a rest in musolla@mosque before another practical session at the evening.
There’s some 3rd year senior inside the musolla and I’d idea to ask them.
‘akk, otak kite, ade brapa cerebral hemisphere?’
IF THERE’S NO AKK, and with full of dersire I want to ask U, ‘otak kite ade brapa cerebral hemisphere?’
U= para pembaca.
Malu ok if U x dpt jwb my question.soklan basic, bnda basic dalam badan, bnda basic kt spital org sakit itu ini, but then u realized u cant answer my quest, omAlllah it’s very shame on u..(ok lpas ni time rehat x nk dekat ngn wanigurl sbb nnti akan ditnye. Hihi.xde mknenye,ni pun ade doc td ajar saya input lebih,sharing is loving,rite).
N alhamdulillah da akak can answer my simple question well..’ade 2 cik wanigurl’..yahuu, slmt dpt jwp.
‘akk, apekah lesion yang ade kt cerebral hemisphere?’
Ala.yang ataxia2 tu, lupe da exact name.
Huhu..ok. let me explain this..
Nama dye Callosal Apraxia.We have 2 cerebral hemisphere (right n left) and it’s connected with commisure.
Ok, U are write-handed person, your dominant brain is on ur left. So, when I asked you. ‘please raise ur righthand’.
If u can simply answer my question ‘ I cant’- it’s mean u have something wrong somewhere at ur right brain. (da dominant brain which is on ur left had transferred informatioan to the right brain(nondominant hemisphere), but right brain cant iterpret it correctly.
But, if I ask u again- please raise ur hand.
And u do nothing.-it’s mean u have a lesion in ur dominant left which cant transfer any information to right brain..
But then, overall, even org tu lefthanded, tp sbnrnye dominant brain dye pun kat left.cume dye dpt sokongan dr right brain 10%. Tu je beza left and righthanded..
Nak kate nye..otak kite sume sama..xde lah org yang tulis tgn kiri terlebih intelligent ke, org tulis tgn kanan kureng sikit ke..no2..kite sume sama.. Sesunguhnya Allah itu maha ADIL…=)
(utk penerangan lanjut kelik hiyer nawww)-series video ni best..
Callosal Apraxia- The memory n Language processes will not be accessible to the nondominant hemisphere causing left side disorders.
Commisure- connect the same cortical areas of 2 cerebral hemisphere. (commisural fibre)
December 26, 2009 at 4:37 PM
aper klebihan left hnded,
asl x ajr gna both hnded jer
December 26, 2009 at 4:38 PM
asl left hnded lgi elok lk,asl bkn both hnded.....
dr. mintak pnjelasan
December 26, 2009 at 8:35 PM
ano 1-
boleh je nk ajar both hnded.tp, kalo dah mnjdi kebiasaan utk satu bnda tu, mesti kt akn gunenye slalu.sy kc contoh la, adi boleh tulis both left@right hand..but then, dye dah biasa sgt gune tgn kanan sms mnulis.so, kalo dlm exam, dye cnderung nk tulis gune tgn ape? think.
ler3..cube baca btui2 post ni.. 10% of right brain....