flight cai-lon nek egyptair.beli awl bulan 4 [fine mmg awal n nmpk smgt gile disitu haha], so dpt la murah,2300le. lg plak tu kalo p UK tem summer lg mahal dr winter.so,hrga tu kire ok la ,sbb slalunye tem sumer up to 2700le u know, then org p london dr cai slalunye nek BMI nk murah.tp ttibe dpt egyptair kene ucap syukur alhmdulillah.ihirque!
dlm flight duk sblh egyptian tua lelaki.aduyai..dah name egyptian kan so sessi usha-mengorat even dlm flight pun begitu rancak skali [haha].dgn no. phone, mail sume dye nak.fine3...dr start tayar kpl terbang tu kt bumi mesir,smpai la tyr tu dh smpai heathrow london pun dye still nk borak2.sy plak sbb xleh nk tido so layan jelah sgala pertnyaan dye. dye cam2 ok je, sbb dah la kaya [ok fine itu pertama]. then he can speak english well [itu kedua], then rupenye2 dye mmg jnis suke travel2 gak,stakat egypt-london,america,france,spain,switzerlnd xde hal lah bg dye [itu amazing haha]
sampai je airport,omakkk aiii besar gile airport ney.wat can i say, heathrow airport mmg besar, x cantik lgsg tp cool. dye xde lah kecoh nk cantek2 macam airport terminal 3 cairo [cantek tp org xde] tp dye buruk mcm airport jeddah [ buruk tp airport sntiasa full]
dah smpai tmpt imigresen dye,.ok kt sini paling tmpat klimaks bg org yang x biasa travel. kalo dah name smpai UK, dyorg akan kecoh macam kite dtg ngara dye nk amik sgala kkayaan depa. so, kalo kt org imigresen tu, dye akn tnye pelbagai soalan smpai korang akan rase kcut perut.
tips disini,kene buat muke cool,releks jgn gelabah..dye akan tnye kenapa korg dtg UK. brape lama. sape support kalo duk uk lame..kalo dpt tukang imigresen tu pe'el dye suke tnye byk2,mmg dye mnx show bape pound korg bawk, dye juge akan minx ticket return.kalo korang ade anty@uncle di UK, suh dye buat kan inetery.kalo x,mmg abis lah..sbb ape imigresen situ tnye mcm2,sbb dye bajet org kite nk keje kt UK[kerja di UK tp xde visa mmg salah].like both of my sister ritu dtg UK under age without adult mmg kene sgt2 inetery nih,kalo x,mmg xdpt masuk UK.nak2 sape yang duk lame kan,lg dye akn tnye mcm2..
n one more, kalo dah smpai nk ke pintu kluar,if ade org tnye are u smoke, do u have cigarrte ,kene jwb yakin NO.kalo korang jwb yes [or jwb acuh x acuh] mmg org tuh suh korg bukak beg n geledah beg kat situ jugak [ sy terselmt n i saw 2-3 people kene gledah beg ksian ooo dah la pnat2 turun flight pastu kene bukak beg plakk lg].
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