sing : taylor swift with the lyrics that i give below
I were in Egypt, loving part-time, playing around,
Left my home town and never looked back
I was a flight risk, afraid of fallin
Wondering why something chaos happen, if it never lasts
He say,’ can you belive it?’
As we’re lyin on the couch
The moment,we fly back
Yes,yes,see Malaysia now
Do u remember, we were sittin there, by the river,
you ask me to come to ur house for the first time.
but my family plan for the holiday,
you are the best thing that’s ever been mine
flash forward, and we’re takin on the world together,
and really have fun good and best time
u text me day and night coz u bothered
i say ive love my parents lots
but I still here with holiday
we got nothing figured out
when it was hard to take
yes, yes this is what I thought about
5.30pm my holiday.. my best time ever! =))
pic tell everything =))
oh..padanlah puas belek ape perbezaan duk egypt ngn duk malaysia..
pipi makin naik dengan gembira bagai disirami baja.ciss!
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