'syazwani, u must pay 88le' said madam syaima.
senyuman diberikan.lek dulu sblm nk meletop .
'herm,but why?'i ask.still snyum
'becauze u send me ur pasport late'.
pale hutak dye. sikit punye awl sy hntar neyy
ok fine.tem ni sy dah buat muke x best.
b4 ni,sy ngaku,mmg sy send pasport late kt dye, yes i admit it so kene penalti 153le.tu pun mcm nk nanes wooo byr mahal.duit tu ckup lah utk seminggu lebih nye nak idop.saket ati.itu cite taun 1 sbb pandai2 mak datuk nenek angkt jiran sblh p buat visa kt msia sape suruh.kan dah kene byr lebih.pdn muke.
then. taun 2 nye cite plak. minggu lpas send kt minah ni pasport sbb nk travel.b4 ni dye ckp my visa extend for 1year ok ONE YEAR. then saje la nk usha line p antr pasport kt madam sbb mesir ni bukan btui sgt, kang x pasal2 kt airpost sy kene tahan sbb xde visa mati den.
bile dpt je balik pasport [baru je kjap td ni ha] dye ckp kene byr 88le. oiii..
mmg hangennn oooo..
kadang2 sy pun x tau nape kene baayar mahal gile nk mati. xnk la ckp sbb dye amik untung utk diri dye sdiri ke.xpun utk byr servis dye sbb tolong dak2 msia. tp x patutlah. xpatut2
'ok , tell me the truth y shud i pay another 88 le instead of 16le?' i ask, still smiling.
'because u want to travel. if u stay in egypt there's shud be no prob wit this visa until next year'.
adakah ini bermksud,even kalo sy x travel p mane2 skalipun, sy tggl kt msir ni mcm pndtg tnpa izin slama staun.mmg jin beramboi btuii.
'but, i send u my pasport earlier' i said
'ok,thats not my prob, the problem was amndaulah who sent ur pasport late to gawazat' madam syaima answerd
fine. mate dah dikecikkan. kening dah berkerut.
seblum terlambat baik istighfar byk2.
dats means ini bukan salah sy,tp salah amndaulah. arrghhh.pape pun,mmg tahap Hate thdp M**** menambah2..geram3...
One of favourite capture di mesir...tgk,tgh geram2 pun leh kasi the best picture ,,[eh2,mcm kt oversea la gmbr ni T_T]
org lagi nak jimat duit,rupe2nye duit still mngalir2 mcm sungai nil. dye ingt mak ayah den keje cop duit hape.
wahai org mesir, xleh wat keje dgn proper KE?
please change b4 i hate this place more and more
ok.dah2. papaiiiii
salam sayang.