[sambungan journey di france]
dah smapi france, salah satu tmpt yang perlu di jejaki adlah disneyland paris..
so ktorg have a niceee day di disney slama 4days n 3 nights.
tido pun kt hotel disney..di hotel ni,dye hnye siapkan mknn utk breakfast..so tem, brkfast tu la lantak byk2..tp kalo dye serve daging [oi jgn mkn la] tu xtaulah halal ke x.kang susah nk mengucap xdapek acik nk nulung tu do T_T
ok.entrance fees utk disney ni adelah 340gbp[ include 2 org adult,one room hotel, breakfast, games]..mmg agak mahal [same hrga tiket msia-msir],so kalo nk p disneylannd tp xckup bajet sgt, p je kt hongkong.hongkongnye disney pun best cume paris ni 2x ganda besar.dun waory games inside sume same.
parade..smpai mlm la bnda ni ade..aish..ponek den ha..=)
ok..itu dye excited nye kanak2 riang...kalo rse2 nk jd princess for a while dtg aa sini..mmg pnuh fairy tales aa..best2..
and sy dh observe dah..
pdn aa org suke plan honeymoon kt paris..mmg tmpt dye cantik2..tp tu aa.games2 kt disney ni xde aa adventure sgt.so mmg ssuai aa utk kanak2 kocik nk main n utk fmly2 yang jnis suke tmpt relex cool n steady
pakteh.makteh.wani. makcu.pakcu. anak2
couple of the year..makcu n pakcu..aww3
tem for lunch..kitorg tapau dr hotel la..kalo nk mkn kt disney tu sdiri mmg xtau halal ke x..so elak syubhah msk sdiri ok..
abu abas al-mursi.. [name dye diambil sbb pakteh adore abu abas much. dak2 egypt kalo x p lg makam nye kt alex sile2 lah ziarah ye.rugiiii ]
...so leh bygkan x journey ni ngn anak2 kecik..ngn prangai2 baik dyorg tu kan..stroller je bwk 3..nk menolak nye satu hal..tu belum masuk dyorg gadoh la.nk p toilet la.lapar la..ya Allah....
sile fokus pd kanak2 riang ok. ulang suara. kanak2...=)
this picture for my mom.harap mklum..