I miss you. my sisters. I miss my blooded-flowerd sisters. omAllah. Please.
One buzy clinical years at putrajaya Hospital. The other two buzy enjoyed themselve in london rite now.elo nana n ain, don’t u know school time will begin this early January, and both of u supposed back to malysia end of this december instead of 31st january?
I miss.
I miss the three of them.
I miss da voice dat always make my life happy.
I miss webcam-ing with nana n ain , see both cheek’s humpy fatty dumpy
I miss da silly dilly-dally things that we talked.
I miss to send nana to go arab’s class tusyen last 3 month.
I miss to teach ain while she joined my class tusyen last 3 month.
I miss to fight-off with my elder sister, at first my egoistic win but lastly my tears role down first.
omAllah. I miss ‘em!
my beloved sister, if u've extra pocketmoney plz buy 4 me longdress k, da cutest one. then when pak uda wants to come to egypt just consign tu him.(nk request depan2 malu so i think via blog much more better, lurve u larh ^_^ )
My elder sister.i heard she was enjoyed in putrajaya hospital with da new clinical session instead of having lectures in University.. just now, baba talked much ‘bout you. He really happy to see you in white uniform even actly you have almost 2 years to finish ur studies.No crying every night n of course all da stressness you victourius to pull out. Mabruk.he really proud of you, sis.Yes, among of us you are the sweetest
For da last quarrel that I made,it’s unconditionally, sis I really didn’t meant it..(for more inquiry kelik hiyer naww) my bloody minded influence throughout body and syaiton doing their job well..i ran up and hide myself inside balong’s room and locked the door. I hope mom or you come to persuade me up, but sadly none! At last, baba came and calm me down, look how nice my father compensate to his daughter, yuhuu.. my childish still cant far away from me myself.hoh. I m just keep quiet for a long time..and after few days you was telling me how great the workout session was, and it is a good condition for me to find a time to be myself. I was confused... mom explained , everybody needs time to be on their own. It is the time you can use to reflect back at your day and feelings, and just have a good time..after all, here. I understand..
Well, they who never had any sisters, specifically older sister think that having one will be a nuisance, budernsome.Yes as we’ll know, sisters tend to bully those below them and make fun of the lil ones. Queen control instead, yeah.im dedicate this to u, wahaa.Well, I cannot deny that,but there are thousand of other reasons that will make you love them never theless. You might not realize it at first but as time goes by, and you are not little kids anymore, you'll know.
I wish I could turn back time and really hold on to that piece of memory. Remembering how the weather at t time, what da motion sickness silly face u make, what dinner that I didn’t take with no appetite reason bcuz of da quarreld. I want to remember them and hold on to it. Because who knows when will it happen again..
…rindurinduan plak wanigurl ni.see how nice I am t_t
After all..
Happy birthday to my sisters,
Hope all ur wishes come true,
Nur syamimi bt mohd jani (16/12/1988)
Nur ain bt mohd jani (16/12/1998)
nur syamimi aka kakngah

nur ain aka k.uda
Mogahidup diberkati dan diredhai illahi..my prayer always go through…
December 16, 2009 at 2:06 AM
alamak,nana blushing ahh !
haha !
okey then :)
December 16, 2009 at 4:50 AM
u blushing?
r u sure bout dat?
December 17, 2009 at 6:56 AM
apa kaitan title entry dengan kerinduan wani terhadap family tersyg? hihi wan, baru je brp jam tak jumpa, dah rindu kau. hahaha :D
December 17, 2009 at 12:34 PM
title mmg gempak..deep insie, only Allah knows..
ala mai, miss u too larh.wohha!
December 21, 2009 at 4:29 PM
assalamualaikum sayang anak ibu...as I'm ur mom, elder to u,and have that much more experience in thisworld,and finally bcos I love u so much,I have taken it upon myself to leave my comment ...to advise u about a certain matter...I hope u will understand...whatever ur feeling,please remember I always love u..of course u are at liberty to disregard my advise but my feeling for u will be the same....
Sayang anak ibu...Nur syazwani Mohd Jani...nama ibu takdepun dlm nametag ni...tapi ibu tau nama ibu sentiasa berada dlm hatimu...pepatah ada mengatakan:
We have no right to ask
when sorrow comes,
"why did this happen to me"
unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way.........
anak ibu syang,
We can't appreacite light if we havent known darkness..
Nor can appreciate warmth if we have not suffered cold.....
mungkin sukar berbicara luaran tapi dalaman terusik jua...bukan isu knape banglong bole kluar pagi balik mlm...bukan isu..kaklg dah ajar ain,chk nota ain..ajar nana..hntr nana g tuisyen...and etc...bukan isu buli..bila kakngah ckp ibu terus dgr..itu sume bukan isu.....
kembalinya anak ibu bercuti utk hanya 3 bln..terlalu pendik masa itu..anak ibu tak susah utk berjumpa kwn2..bawak jer keta..lesen dan ada..tapi sayang...pabila baba bersuara, knape wani tu jer yg sibuk carik kwn2..melawat kwn..carik sepupu...melawat sepupu...dia dr Mesir balik Msia untuk aper????
knape tidak kwn2 ker sepupu ker yg juga sama2 carik dia..jumpa dia...
pernah ibu suarakan pd kaklg komen baba ini...tapi kaklg pandg sepi....
sayang anak ibu...bila kita berjauhan, kerinduan begitu menebal dan menyentuh hati seorang ibu...bila berdktn, segala-galanyer hilang....kdg2 ibu dan baba dipandang sepi..tanpa ape2..namun jauh disuduthati ibu...anakku masih belum dewasa...
anak ibu masih perlukan ibubaba,kluarga dlm hidupnyer...sayang anak ibu..sesuatu perasaan negetif tidak harus dijadikan memory..buang dia jauh2...
u can never fully recover from a deep injury done to u until u forgive...
buah hati ibu..hidup ini umpama roda...pandg2 lah kebelakang..menilai untuk dijadikan panduan dan iktibar..jgn terus meletakkan hukum...
perjalananmu masih jauh...ibubaba mendoakan kejayaanmu dunia akhirat....luv u 4ever sayang...